Low Frequency Range
- Low frequency range refers to the lower end of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum and includes the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF), which ranges from 3 Hz to 30 Hz, and Super Low Frequency (SLF), which ranges from 30 Hz to 300 Hz.
- Within this frequency range, electric field and magnetic field behave more independently, so exposure to an electric field and exposure to a magnetic field is usually considered separately (rather than exposure to electromagnetic radiation).
- The main exposures at low frequencies occur in fields generated near electric grids, electrical infrastructure in the buildings and in the proximity of electrical and electronic devices (in Israel, the frequency of the electric grid is 50 Hz).
- Additional exposures within this frequency range are from electric public transportation and electric vehicles, occupational exposures, medical equipment, and more.
- In 2001, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) decided to classify magnetic fields at the frequency of the electric grid. Possibly carcinogenic to humans (Class B2).
Electric and magnetic fields produced by electric grids as well as electrical and electronic devices surround us wherever modern life exists. The range of uses of electricity from electricity grids is endless. Nowadays, we can no longer imagine life without the use of electricity. Therefore, it is important that we become better acquainted with the sources of those fields, their physical characteristics, their impact on health, and recommendations to reduce exposure
More articles on this subject:
Low-frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields
Electromagnetic radiation is a combination of electric and magnetic fields (electromagnetic fields) generated by charges and electric currents. At low frequencies, and especially at power grid frequencies, both fields (electric and magnetic) behave more independently, and are treated separately.
The electric field depends on the size of the voltage. It is smaller in the vicinity of low-voltage lines (domestic) and home electrical appliances, and larger in the vicinity of high and upper voltage lines.
The magnetic field depends on the size of the current. It is larger in places where large currents – such as power panels and main power lines – are running and in the vicinity of electrical appliances that are larger "consumers" of electricity. The magnetic field is also larger as the number of current-carrying loops of wire increases, so there are high magnetic fields near appliances with electric motors and transformers, such as hair dryers, electric shavers, space heaters, fans and more.
- Low Frequency Range and Electromagnetic Field Frequencies from the Electric Grid, Electrical Infrastructure in Buildings, and Electrical and Electronic Devices
- Electric Grid: Structure and Exposures
- Electrical Infrastructure in Buildings: Structure and Exposures
- Exposures from Electrical and Electronic Devices
- Uses
Low Frequency Range and Electromagnetic Field Frequencies from the Electric Grid, Electrical Infrastructure in Buildings, and Electrical and Electronic Devices
- Electric and magnetic fields from electric grids, electrical infrastructure in buildings and electrical and electronic devices belong to the electromagnetic radiation spectrum within the low frequency range up to 300 Hz.
- In various publications on radiation and field hazards, and in past references by entities such as the WHO, the term ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) referred to the frequency range of 0-300 Hz, including the fields at the frequency of electric grids. Nowadays, the ELF range is defined by the ITU as the frequency range between 3 and 30 Hz only, and therefore its use is less common in terms of exposure risks at the frequency of electric grids.
- The electric grid fields are generated by the production, transmission and distribution network of the electric grid and electrical infrastructure in buildings (which will be addressed separately). In addition, fields are generated by electrical appliances connected to network and operating at the network voltage.
- Electric grid provides alternative current (AC), that is, electricity that is not supplied as a direct voltage (constant, like battery), but changes its rotation direction 50 times per second (in Israel) or 60 times per second (for example, in the USA). Therefore, the electric and magnetic fields generated near electric grids and electrical devices, and to which one can be exposed, are alternating fields at a frequency of 50 (or 60) Hz. The wavelength of those frequencies is enormous — 6,000 kilometers for a frequency of 50 Hz, therefore those frequencies are not acceptable to refer to exposure to radiation but to exposure to the components of the electric and magnetic fields, separately.
The main human exposures are to the components of low voltage electric grids (230 volts in Israel), to electrical infrastructure in buildings and to electrical and electronic devices operating at that voltage. For various physical reasons, it is customary to relate primarily to the health risk resulting from the magnetic field component of those exposures, which is more significant, especially for low voltage power.
Electric Grid: Structure and Exposures
The term "electric grid" refers mainly to infrastructures that are the responsibility of the Israel Electric Corporation (IEC), which is responsible for generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. The IEC's infrastructure starts at the electricity generation plants and ends at the end of the electricity supply process, in the electric meter of the consumers (homes, workplaces, factories, etc.). Electrical infrastructure of consumers, apart from electric meter, is not the responsibility of the Israel Electric Corporation but rather the responsibility of the consumers (electric panels, power lines in the walls, outlets, etc.).
Electric grid is based on a number of principles:
- Supplying Alternative Current (AC) - voltage and current that change their direction (in Israel, at a frequency of 50 Hz). This way of electricity supply is more efficient than direct current (DC) supply, since it enables the supply of long distance electricity with a relative small loss of energy. At the end of the 19th century, the "war of currents" took place between the developers of the two methods of electricity supply, and the supply by AC method became the accepted method worldwide because of its advantages.
The health and safety disadvantages of the method are:- The ability to cause nerve stimulation and neuromuscular stimulation, up to ventricular fibrillation and death due to electrocution. It should be noted that this stimulation is also possible with exposure to high-intensity magnetic fields at the frequency of electric grids, even without direct contact with electrical conductors.
- Magnetic fields at the frequency of electric grids are able to penetrate the human body exposed to them and induce voltages and electric currents (usually low levels) — a phenomenon that is not significant for direct current electricity in common exposures.
- Generation of electricity at very high voltage (hundreds of thousands of volts), its transmission and reduction to a lower voltage in several stages, at any stage of the distribution of electricity, until it turns into low voltage (hundreds of volts) for consumption by consumers. This method is intended to supply electricity more efficiently and to overcome the phenomenon of reducing ("falling") the voltage along long power lines. The health and safety disadvantages of the system are the risk of electric shock from high voltage lines, exposure to high electric fields in the vicinity of high voltage lines, the creation of ozone and additional gases due to the electrical penetration of the air, and the possibility of obtaining explosion and combustion in certain situations.
- Generation and transmission of electricity in several phases (usually three). This allows for the creation of several circuits of electricity, as well as three-phase power supply to "power consumers" (e.g. air conditioners, large motors, and industrial machines) operating in this manner.
The main components of electric grid are generation, transmission network, switching stations and substations, and distribution networks:
- Electricity generation is usually performed by a device called a generator that turns the mechanical energy of rotation into electrical energy. In order to move the generator and generate electricity, large quantity of mechanical energy is required, which is produced by a number of technologies (as detailed below), in many cases using a turbine that converts a fluid or gas flow to a rotary motion necessary for the generator rotation. The generation of electricity by solar or chemical energy is performed by other methods.
- Electricity generation is mainly done at large power plants, in various technologies and from various sources of energy, as follows: electromechanical power stations that produce electrical energy from oil, gas or coal, and convert thermal energy (heat) into electrical energy while using turbines of various types. Electricity generation in Israel is mostly performed at those power plants; hydroelectric power stations that convert hydro-gravity energy into electricity (power plants that convert energy from waterfalls into electrical energy); nuclear power plants that convert nuclear energy from nuclear furnaces into electricity.
- Other sources of energy for generating electricity are wind plants, solar power stations and chemical energy plants, which are more limited in global output. Electricity is produced on a smaller scale even by small generators, as needed, e.g. in remote communities, as well as in short-term backup systems in cases of electrical failures (such as in hospitals and large plants).
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Power plant for electricity generation | Dynamo component of the electric generator | |
Distribution Network
- A network designed to transmit electricity produced at long-distance power stations using the high voltage power transmission lines — high voltage lines and upper voltage lines.
- Those lines are spread throughout the country, and can be identified by larger power poles.
- In Israel, in high voltage lines, there is a voltage of 400 kV (400 thousand volts), and in the upper voltage lines, there is a voltage of 161 kV.
High voltage power lines |
Switching stations and substations – Their function is to reduce the voltage received from the transmission network to a lower voltage (upper voltage or high voltage) for further distribution. Those are large stations located in separate areas, within designated structures, or open and fenced.
Power Generation Substation |
Distribution networks — the role of these networks is to transfer the electricity from substations to consumers, at the level of the locality and the street.
The distribution networks include:
- Distribution lines — high voltage lines and low voltage lines, overhead (above ground and on utility poles) or underground (power cables placed underground). The voltage of high voltage lines in Israel is 12.6, 22 and 33 kV, while the voltage of low voltage lines is 400 volts (230 volts per phase). It should be noted that in smaller localities, there is less or no high voltage lines, and the low voltage lines are those that usually feed the consumers directly, after distribution and through connection devices.
- Transformation stations and transformers — the function of transformation stations and transformers is to reduce (decrease) the voltage from high voltage to low voltage. Transformation stations exist as separate structures (pavilions) that are in close proximity to or within neighborhoods and can be identified by signage and warning signs, and sometimes in close proximity to or as part of buildings. Transformers — the components that reduce the voltage — are used as part of transformation stations and are sometimes located on utility poles. Other names for the transformation stations are ITS (Internal Transformation Station), and STS (Small Transformation Station).
- Switching stations — used for switching, monitoring and sharing high voltage, usually for high voltage consumers. Exist as separate structures and in proximity to or as part of buildings.
- Distribution cabinets and neighborhood cabinets — facilities used to distribute low voltage to consumers, including installations located in "fillers" stationed in the street, or in proximity to clusters of houses or buildings.
- Housing connection facilities — The final part of any distribution network, including the electricity meters, protection fuses and more. They are located adjacent to the houses (such as in "fillers"), belong to the Electric Corporation, and are under its responsibility.
At the end of the distribution process, consumers usually receive electricity as low voltage electricity (230 volts per phase) — the residential electricity voltage we know.
Tangled power lines in the city |
Central control room |
Automatic domestic switchboard
Recommendations for Reduction of Exposure from the Electric Grid
The major exposures from the electric grid occur in proximity to the network's components. The magnetic field decreases very sharply as distance increases (on many occasions, according to squared distance or so), so significant exposure will occur only in proximity to the network components.
- The exposures in proximity of production facilities, large switching stations and substations are mainly applied to the population working at them as occupational exposures.
- In proximity to the transmission networks and distribution networks, the population living near power lines, transformation stations, transformers and more may be exposed.
- The degree of exposure to a magnetic field from voltage lines depends on the intensity of the current flowing through them. In high voltage lines serving a large number of consumers, flowing current is higher than the one at the distribution end of voltage lines serving few consumers.
- In Israel, the recommendations for maximum exposure to radiation from electric installations are detailed in the article "Policy in Israel"; the joint recommendation of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Health is daily average of 4 milligauss, at the "busiest" day (continuous and prolonged exposure). For this purpose, separation distances from the various infrastructures were determined and published by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, as detailed in the following sections:
- On the Ministry of Environmental Protection website, separation distances between different power lines and buildings can be checked (in Hebrew). Separation distances for distribution transformers are also published. The following are the basic separation distances between electrical facilities and a building line (the values in brackets are for designers of sensitive land uses to reduce the exposure in areas intended for prolonged stays):
- Low voltage line — 2 meters from the nearest phase conductor (3 meters)
- High voltage line (12.6, 22, and 33 kV) — 3 meters from the nearest phase conductor (5 meters)
- Upper voltage line (161 kV) — 20 m from the line axis (30 m)
- Super-high voltage line (400 kV) — 35 m from the line axis (50 m)
- Distribution transformers — 3 meters from each part of the transformer and outgoing cables (5 meters)
- The Ministry of Environmental Protection supervises electrical installations and provides them with permits according to types of facilities (in Hebrew). Those permits detail the means required to reduce exposure levels to magnetic fields, including the required separation distances between each installation and populated buildings, the manner in which the facility is installed, and more. The following are some examples of separation distances required for various installations:
- Low voltage underground distribution cables — 0.5 meters (and a minimum depth of 0.6 meters)
- High voltage underground distribution cables — 3 meters (and a minimum depth of 0.7 meters)
- Non-isolated high voltage network — 6 meters (from the nearest wire), a minimum height of 5 meters from the ground
- Distribution cabinets and neighborhood cabinets — 1 meter
- Transformation and switching stations of various types — 3-6 meters, depending on the type of installation
- Transformers on pillars — 5 meters for one transformer and 6 meters for two transformers
Electrical Infrastructure in Buildings: Structure and Exposures
Electrical infrastructure in buildings is a fixed infrastructure connected to the IEC infrastructures up to buildings, starting with the electric meter, which is the responsibility of the IEC. Its purpose is to direct electricity to consumers in buildings. That infrastructure requires prior examination and confirmation of the occupancy of the building ("Form 4").
Electrical infrastructure in buildings includes the following main components:
- Electrical main line (cable) — from the IEC junction facility to electric panel.
- Power panels that divide the electricity into different circuits within the structure and protect against risks. The panels include automatic breakers called mini-circuit breakers or automatic thermal magnetic circuit breakers — a main switch and other switches designed to protect against overflows, shield breakers ("fault relays") designed to protect against "leakage" of electricity and thus also to protect against the risk of electric shock, and other components (such as bus bars). In residential buildings, usually there is one power panel (or a main board and sub-boards). In large buildings (offices, commerce facilities, institutions, etc.), there are many power panels (main board, floorboards, etc.).
- Electrical lines (cables) that lead the electricity from the power panel by concealed installation in the walls of the building (floor, ceiling, walls) and in its vicinity, or by open or exposed installation (e.g. in the spaces).
- Grounding, which is a protection against electric shock, by connecting metallic bodies to the ground.
- Power line junction boxes.
- End fixtures — electrical outlets, switches and lighthouses.
The entire infrastructure is low voltage (230 volts per phase). Large buildings (such as public buildings, institutions, offices, commerce buildings, industry facilities, etc.) are sometimes supplied with high voltage converted into low voltage electricity in a separate room and supplied to the rest of the building. In large buildings, there are multiple electric panels, main ones and ones on the various floors, and the electricity cables which usually transmit higher currents than those in residential buildings, due to the large number of consumers and their size.
Recommendations for Reducing Exposure from the Electrical Infrastructure in Buildings
The Ministry of Environmental Protection does not deal with the granting of permits for exposure in buildings (such as buildings used for residential, office and commercial purposes), but the government ministries’ recommendations apply to the exposure in them (average of 4 milligauss per day).
- The exposure from the electricity infrastructure to residential buildings is usually relatively low, and generally meets the exposure limits — in buildings with an orderly, proper and approved electrical infrastructure — due to the manner in which electricity is transferred. However, there might be situations in which higher exposures are introduced as joint recommendations of government ministries, for example due to ground currents. In the vicinity of electrical panels (distribution boards), there are exposures to higher magnetic field values, and therefore the inter-ministerial committee on the exposure of the electric grid frequency recommended that the electrical panels (boards) should not be placed in residential walls (such as bedrooms, children's rooms, work rooms, etc.) and preferably not in party walls but in places such as lobbies and corridors. Typically, at a separation distance of 1 meter from home electrical panels, exposures are reduced to low values, below 1 milligauss.
- The exposure from the electricity infrastructure in office/ commercial buildings, institutions, etc., is often similar to home exposure in buildings with a modern, orderly and standard electrical infrastructure. However, in such buildings, there is a higher probability of exposure beyond the joint recommendations of the government ministries, due to higher consumption of air conditioning systems, various machines and devices, and cable transitions that carry a higher current in the building rooms, and sometimes also due to open installation outside the walls or exposure installation (in different spaces) and the like. In large, multi-infrastructure buildings, there are electric panels that carry high currents, or even "energy rooms" that sometimes receive high voltage and convert it to low voltage, and occasionally, they also have back-up power systems or power generation systems for emergency purposes. In the vicinity of those infrastructures, there might be relatively high exposures, beyond the joint recommendations of government ministries.
- Educational institutions — In an article on exposure to the electric grid in educational institutions, those exposures and recommended ways of reducing them are described.
Exposures from Electrical and Electronic Devices
- In most cases, the main exposures at the electric grid frequency result from electrical and electronic devices that are fed by electric current originating in the electric grid. Those include domestic and office electrical appliances, electrical appliances for commercial use, various electric machines and more.
- The magnetic field generated near electrical and electronic devices is generated by the electric current flowing through them. Appliances that consume more electricity (higher electrical power appliances) produce a higher magnetic field nearby. The magnetic field is also larger as the number of current-carrying loops of wire increases, so there are high magnetic fields near appliances with electric motors and transformers, such as hair dryers, electric shavers, space heaters, fans and more.
- The magnetic field generated by electrical and electronic devices decreases very sharply upon distancing from them. Typically, exposure to magnetic fields drops to 1 milligauss or less at a distance of half meter to 1 meter from electrical appliances.
- It is important to note that staying closely to electrical and electronic devices is not usually long, and therefore the high possible exposures when approaching those devices (sometimes hundreds of milligauss) are usually extremely short.
- There are multiple sources of magnetic field exposure. The main types of the sources are as follows:
- Power supply components — transformers, power supplies, chargers and adaptors, UPS and more.
- Appliances with motors — washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, fans, space heaters, air conditioners, hair dryers, shavers, vacuum cleaners and more.
- Microwave ovens
- High-power electrical appliances — appliances previously included, as well as a baking oven, toaster oven and more.
- Lighting — fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, LED lamps and more. The sources of exposure in modern lighting are mainly the components that produce the voltage required to operate the lamps.
- Electronic devices — devices such as computers, computer screens, printers, cordless phones, cell phones, TV sets, TV converters, etc. are not large power consumers, and therefore do not generate high magnetic fields nearby. However, those electronic devices include a power supply unit that converts the electric grid AC voltage to low DC voltage. In addition, in many cases, there are internal fans to disperse the internal heat that develops in them. Power supplies and fans generate relatively high magnetic fields nearby, which decrease sharply as the distance from the devices increases.
Recommendations for Reducing Exposure to Magnetic Field from Electrical and Electronic Devices
- Upon a sustained and prolonged stay near electrical and electronic devices, especially in places such as a bed in a bedroom, work station, etc., the most effective way to reduce exposure from the devices is by maintaining a separation distance from them, usually half a meter to one meter. It is recommended to maintain this distance mainly near devices that generate high magnetic fields around them, or near components such as transformers, power supplies and chargers or adaptors. Another precautionary measure is selecting of equipment that uses lower-magnetic-field-generating technologies. For example, electronic chargers and adaptors, and equipment designed by its manufacturers so that the proximity exposure will be lower — UPS, electric adjustable beds, electric sheets, underfloor heating and more.
- A table published by the Ministry of Environmental Protection (in Hebrew) specifies the magnetic fields generated in the vicinity of electrical and electronic devices.
- Electric adjustable beds — those beds have electric motors powered by very low voltage electricity generated by a power supply. Magnetic fields are generated mainly near power supplies, as well as near engines (when operating). Reducing exposure to magnetic fields from those beds is possible by using beds in which a dedicated breaker has been installed prior to power supply, which allows current to flow only when adjusting the bed, and disconnects it the rest of the time.
- Electric underfloor heating — one of the ways to heat rooms is by installing a heating system under the floor during the construction phase. There are subterranean systems based on the flow of hot water in the pipeline, and electrical systems based on the flow of electric current in a metal conductor with a certain electrical resistance, due to which some of the electrical energy turns into thermal energy (heat). The resulting heat is transferred to the floor, and then spreads across the room. The current flowing through the electric conductor generates a magnetic field that is higher in close proximity to the floor, so it can generate high exposures, in particular in children (especially infants). However, there is a relatively simple way to reduce exposure to this magnetic field by installing a double-conductor underfloor heating system — two adjacent current conductors with current flowing in opposite directions (direct current and inverse current). The inverse current produces magnetic fields that are opposite in their direction to the one produced by the direct current's one, and the two opposite fields cancel each other almost completely.
For more information: Tips for reducing exposure to electromagnetic radiation in a home environment
The range of uses is huge. They are mostly distributed in the following main areas: industrial uses, commercial uses, office uses, and domestic uses.
Use of electricity in the automotive industry |
Use of electricity in the textile industry |
Domestic appliances |
Public transportation: trams in Vienna |
High-speed tram |
Dynamo component of the electric generator |
- International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines for limiting exposure to time‐varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (1Hz 100kHz). Health Physics. 2010; 99:818‐836.
- International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines on limits of exposure to static magnetic fields. Health Physics. 2009; 96:504‐514.
- International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines for limiting exposure to time‐varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (Up To 300 GHz). Health Physics. 1998; 74:494‐522.
- United States. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Basic Electricity (Dover Books on Electrical Engineering). 2nd edition, 1970. Dover Publications.