
Compulsory Marking and Provision of Information on Non-Ionizing Radiation


The Consumer Protection Regulations (information on non-ionizing radiation from a mobile phone) 2002 came into effect to regulate marking and provision of information on the effects of non-ionizing radiation emitted from mobile phones.



Marking and Provision of information on radiation

The Consumer Protection Regulations (Provision of Information on non-ionizing radiation from a mobile phone) 2002, that came into effect on 5.06.2002, stipulates that a mobile phone may not be sold unless it complies with the regulations outlined below regarding packaging , including compulsory marking and provision of information on non-ionizing radiation. According to these regulations, information on non-ionizing radiation emitted by mobile phones must be provided as follows:

   mobile phone



a. Affixing a sticker on the package that provides the following information in clearly visible inscription: 





"This mobile phone emits non-ionizing radiation; details and information about the radiation levels of this mobile phone model and the maximum permissible level of radiation are included in the attached leaflet."





b. The packaging of each mobile phone must include an information leaflet in Hebrew, Arabic and Russian. This leaflet will include, in bold print:

  • Maximal radiation level of this specific model of mobile phone (this level is expressed as Specific Absorption Rate – SAR – which describes the amount of energy absorbed by a biological tissue (such as the human body).  The SAR is measured in units of watts/Kg or milliwatts/g. Mobile phone manufacturers must conduct measurement of SAR levels of devices they manufacture, indicating the SAR measured for each specific model.
  • Maximal permissible radiation level from a mobile phone –the maximum SAR limit as specified by the Noise Abatement and Radiation Safety Division of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. This level is determined on the basis of where the device was licensed.
  New mobile phone in the box

2.0 watt/Kg for 10 g of tissue on average – for devices licensed in Europe
1.6 watt/Kg for 1 g of tissue on average - for devices licensed in the USA



c. The information in the leaflet enclosed with the mobile phone must be clearly displayed to the public at points of sale of mobile phones, service provision centers, websites of manufacturers, suppliers and service providers of mobile phones.


Where can SAR data for different cellphone models be found?

In the past, SAR data for different cellphone models were published on the cellphone companies’ forum website. At present the website is not active.

SAR data are published on the various cellular companies’ websites. The companies alone bear responsibility for reliability of the data.


