
Services Provided by TNUDA

The TNUDA center provides services for a variety of target audiences, such as: the general public, the Government and Knesset, researchers and commercial enterprises.




The Center provides information on non-ionizing radiation to its target audiences through two main channels:

  • By providing "Updated information"– compiled and made available at the initiative of the Center and updated according to current scientific developments in the field.
  • By responding to queries from target audiences ("Response information") – prepared and tailored to the specific needs of the various target audiences

The service is provided through: the web site, a phone answering service, periodic leaflets, and seminars/ conferences.




Providing updated information to target audiences

"Provision of updated information" – compiled and made available at the initiative of the Center and brought up to date according to scientific developments in the field.

The TNUDA Center deals with collecting, compiling and processing the accumulated information on non-ionizing radiation and making this information accessible.  The information is tailored to the needs of the various target audiences, and transmitted clearly and explicitly, through efficient methods of communication, to maximize the availability of the information to various stakeholders.

The updated information is made accessible through various channels:

  • The web site – main channel of communication for transmitting data, knowledge, recommendations, guidelines and messages.  The site comprises comprehensive scientific content, accessible through simple search techniques.  It should be noted that specific questions can be directed through the web site to the Center's team.
  • Periodic leaflets – information on innovations, developments and discoveries in the field.  This information is available on the Center's Home Page, and may also be received personally by subscribing to the mailing list.
  • Seminars / conferences  – annual conferences tailored to the needs of the various stakeholders in the field, and serving as a forum to exchange opinions and broaden knowledge.  Dates of future conferences will be published on the web site.


Response to target audiences ("Response information")

"Response information" – compiled in response to specific queries or requests from various target audiences.

Among the services provided by the Center is the response to specific requests or questions addressed to it in various ways:

  • "Contact us" – on TNUDA's Home Page.
  • "I have a question" – by filling in a form on TNUDA's Home Page.
  • Phone answering service – a recorded service where one can leave messages.  Requests will be answered by mail or personally by phone.  Messages may be sent at any time, and will be dealt with Sunday through Thursday from 8:30-16:00.  Phone no.: 03-5026799.


Procedure for obtaining the service

The service is provided to the various target audiences according to the procedure described under the "Procedure for obtaining service".

