
Launching of the GERoNiMO Study on Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

 "GERoNiMo" Study

New international study was launched in January 2014, to investigate the potential effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields on the risks of developing cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, behavioral changes, and its impact on reproductive outcomes and aging.  The study will last five years.


GERoNiMO  - Generalized EMF Research using Novel Methods –

Over the past few decades we have witnessed a dramatic increase in the spread of electromagnetic fields throughout the world, alongside growing concern both among experts and the general public regarding the potential health effects of exposure to these fields. Despite the research being conducted on this subject, opinions are still divided as to the health impact of electromagnetic fields.

Consequently, the aim of this new study is to broaden knowledge on the health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields, and to propose means of reducing this exposure.



The study is conducted using an integrative approach, bringing together scientists from various areas of expertise (biology, engineering and physics, epidemiology and public health, radiation protection risk assessment and communications).  The research team comprises scientists from 19 different institutions in 13 countries.  The main objectives of the study are:

  • Better understanding of possible health effects of exposure to EMF;

  • Better assessment and quantification of health hazards of EMF exposure;

  • Better characterization of present and future levels of exposure to EMF;

  • Proposal of non-technological means of reducing exposure to EMF;

  • Reinforcement of policy development on this issue.

At the inaugural meeting to launch the study, held in Barcelona in January 2014 Professor Elizabeth Cardis, who heads the international research team, stated: “We find ourselves living in an increasingly “smart” world, where EMF are used in our personal (…), domestic (…) and commercial and industrial environments (…). The advantages are undeniable, but it is important to ensure that we are adequately protected against any possible harmful effects of these exposures”.


The base of operations of the GERoNiMO study is in Barcelona, Spain (CREAL), directed by Professor Elizabeth Cardis, a leading scientist in this field.  The study is funded by the European Union. The Head of the Israeli branch of the study is Professor Siegal Sadetzki, Director of the TNUDA National Information Center on non-ionizing radiation, and Director of the Cancer and Radiation Epidemiology Unit, Gertner Institute at the Sheba Medical Center.

We expect the results of the study to broaden knowledge on the possible health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields, and assist in providing judicious recommendations for policy-making decisions in public health, based on expert opinions from a variety of disciplines.


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